Adobe Photoshop CS6 Books

May 21st, 2013 | By | Category: Fotografos

El libro de Scott Kelby.

Con ilustraciones completamente renovadas. La estructura de capítulos es básicamene la misma que utilizó en el libro sobre CS5 pero introduce uno nuevo dedicado a la edición de vídeo con Photoshop, uno de los platos fuertes de la versión CS6 del programa.

En total la obra tiene 542 páginas y se desarrolla en trece capítulos más un completo índice para una rápida localización de cualquier contenido. Los capítulos se pueden leer en cualquier orden y dentro del capítulo se puede ir también a cualquiera de sus epígrafes independientemente. A lo largo de toda la obra Kelby utiliza la técnica de descomponer un procedimiento complejo en una sucesión de acciones sencillas que dan lugar a una explicación paso a paso muy fácil de seguir. Este libro sirve para aprender y para aprender con facilidad y poco esfuerzo.

Minibridge, Camera Raw (3 capítulos), recortar y cambiar el tamaño de imágenes, conversión a blanco y negro, imágenes en HDR, solución de problemas habituales, efectos especiales, técnicas de enfoque, gestión de impresión y de color, edición de vídeo, y flujo de trabajo.

cada uno de los capítulo con un apartado final al que llama “Trucos esenciales para Photoshop” y que son exactamente eso, pequeñas píldoras de conocimiento del programa -caben 3 o 4 en una página- cuyo manejo mejora la calidad de vida del esforzado usuario de Photoshop. En total incluye 120, si no he contado mal.

Tanto el índice de contenidos (8 páginas) como el alfabético (10 páginas) son muy extensos por lo que resulta sencillo encontrar cualquier contenido mediante su consulta.



1)Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book for Digital Photographers

By:Scott Kelby, Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazine–and the best-selling Photoshop author in the world today–once again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers more of the latest, most important, and most useful Adobe Photoshop CS6 techniques for digital photographers.

  • The sharpening techniques the pros really use.
  • The pros’ tricks for fixing the most common digital photo problems fast!
  • The step-by-step setup for getting what comes out of your printer to match exactly what you see onscreen.
  • How to process HDR (High Dynamic Range) images using CS6’s Merge to HDR Pro.
  • How to master CS6’s Content-Aware features.
  • How to use Photoshop CS6’s new video editing features to make movies from your DSLR videos.
  • How to process RAW images like a pro (plus how to take advantage of all the new Camera Raw features in CS6!).
  • The latest Photoshop special effects for photographers (there’s a whole chapter just on these!).
  • A host of shortcuts, workarounds, and slick “insider” tricks to send your productivity through the roof!

2)Adobe Photoshop CS6 on Demand

Photoshop CS6 may be a very sophisticated program but it is not that easy to get used to.

Photoshop CS6 book was written by Steve Johnson wherein it features everything you need to know about Photoshop CS6. It features full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, numbered steps guide, See Also points, “Did you know” information, illustrations, and facing-page tasks. This book also boasts about its Bonus Online content that you can access once you register the book online.  See all Adobe Photoshop CS6 Books in Amazon

3)The Pros and Con of the Adobe Photoshop CS6 on Demand

Overall, this book is a very good book for those who want to get familiar with Adobe Photoshop CS6. This book will help you make the most out of Photoshop. It may not be ideal for Photoshop starters but for those who just need to know very specific things immediately, this is a great book. It is not a surprise why the Adobe Photoshop CS6 on Demand is indeed, on demand.  The information is clearly written by an expert so you can count on the information to be reliable. This is because of how organized the information you will find in the book are. Each feature is covered over one or two pages, with explanations on each feature and then a step-by-step of how to access/use each feature, so it is impossible for you not to get familiar with all the features and how to use them easily. It is informative because all the important things you need to know are in the book.

See all Adobe Photoshop CS6 Books in Amazon


4)Photoshop CS6: Classroom in a Book

Photoshop CS6: Classroom in a Book is a paperback guide that is made by the Adobe Creative Team of designers, editors and writers. This is a guide book about everything that you need to know about Adobe Photoshop especially important updates about the newest Adobe Photoshop CS6.

This guidebook aims to educate readers on how to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 at home, in school and in a business setting but most of all, it provides updates and techniques that are from first hand Photoshop developers. What makes the Photoshop CS6: Classroom in a Book better than any guidebook or manual for Adobe is that it does not leave any details about what a beginner should know especially when it costs too much to enrol in computer classes and in purchasing online guides.

5)Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual

Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual is a guidebook that teaches all about the basics of Adobe Photoshop CS6, the most popular Photoshop edition. This book was written by Lesa Snider, a well –known public speaker, photographer and an active contributor for Her goal for creating this guidebook is to help people who are beginners to using Photoshop CS6 and for professional photographers to appreciate the use of this software for their work.

The Missing Manual is exactly what it is. It is the missing manual to learning Photoshop CS6. The author developed a new concept in teaching Photoshop and that is to teach as if you are having a conversation with the reader minus the technical stuff that most novice Photoshop users find too overwhelming. And as a bonus, there is a chapter about video editing that makes Photoshop CS6 more popular than other similar software.

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